Core Discipline: Health & Hygiene

How to Stay Clean and Healthy

Health & hygiene is part of everything we do. Washing hands, keeping clean, and covering mouths when coughing are habits everyone needs to develop. Like children everywhere, Pink program participants learn these things over time, through instruction, repetition and reinforcement.

As children approach puberty, we teach them to respect their bodies and how to take care of them. Peer pressure and sexual abuse are real risks anywhere, and even more so in communities that lack parental involvement in the lives of children. We train our people to recognize the signs of abuse, so that they can be advocates for the protection of children at risk of harm.

Mama’s Little Helper is a special course that introduces health and hygiene to children in a simple, safe and non-threatening manner. 

Check out these other Core Disciplines:

The Pink Program employs a multi-faceted approach to instill its core disciplines in the lives of children. While each one has a sweet spot for implementation at a particular age, all of them work together across age groups to produce well rounded character effects. 

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